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Photo Mug : Flower. Japanese windflower with cracked paint texture applied to achieve an aged affect

Photo Mug : Flower. Japanese windflower with cracked paint texture applied to achieve an aged affect


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Flower. Japanese windflower with cracked paint texture applied to achieve an aged affect

Sharon Lapkin

Media ID 20207191

© Sharon Lapkin

Photo Mug

A personalised photo mug blends sentimentality with functionality, making an ideal gift for cherished loved ones, close friends, or valued colleagues. Preview may show both sides of the same mug.

Elevate your coffee or tea experience with our premium white ceramic mug. Its wide, comfortable handle makes drinking easy, and you can rely on it to be both microwave and dishwasher safe. Sold in single units, preview may show both sides of the same mug so you can see how the picture wraps around.

Estimated Image Size (if not cropped) is 7.9cm x 8.3cm (3.1" x 3.3")

Mug Size is 9.6cm high x 8.1cm diameter (3.8" x 3.2")

These are individually made so all sizes are approximate/p>

Made in Australia
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We are proud to offer a range of customisation including Cropping, Captions, and Filters. Zoom Cropping can be adjusted in the basket

We accept all major payment options so you can pay for the things you need in the way that is most convenient for you

Made in Australia
Includes Free Shipping
Automatic Bulk Discounts at Checkout
Professional Quality Finish
Made With High Grade Materials
Carefully Packed To Aid Safe Arrival

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