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Short-beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) in undergrowth, Victoria, Australia
Echidnas, sometimes known as spiny anteaters, belong to the family Tachyglossidae in the monotreme order of egg-laying mammals
Short-beaked Echidna in Sydney
Echidna on leaves
Short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), Australia
Tachyglossus aculeautus, Short-nosed Echidna, side view
EchidnaThe Short Beaked Echidna, (sometimes known as spiny anteaters) belong to the family Tachyglossidae in the monotreme order of egg-laying mammals
EchidnaTogether with the platypus, Echidnas are the worlds only monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. Seen here in Dandenong Ranges, Melbourne, Australia
Short-Beaked Echidna sometimes known as spiny anteatersThe Echidna has a slender snout and long, flicking tongue, ideal for catching insects
Australia, Western Australia, Cape Range National Park, Echidna
Echidna in wild in Tasmania, AustraliaShort beaked Echidna in wild in Tasmania
Close up of an echidnas bristles
Short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) lit by the sun walking through leafy soil in the Mount Field National Park in Tasmania